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Mastering the Bulldog Grip Bench Press: Tips and Techniques for Maximum Results

Mastering the Bulldog Grip Bench Press: Tips and Techniques for Maximum Results

Bulldog grip bench press is a variation of bench press where the hands are closer together, targeting the triceps and improving lockout strength.

Are you tired of struggling to make gains in your bench press? Do you feel like you've hit a plateau and can't seem to break through it? If so, it's time to try the bulldog grip bench press.

This variation of the bench press is not for the faint of heart. It requires strength, stability, and a willingness to push yourself to the limit. But if you're up for the challenge, the bulldog grip bench press could be the key to unlocking new levels of strength and power.

The bulldog grip bench press is similar to a traditional bench press, with one key difference: your hands are positioned closer together on the barbell, creating a bulldog grip. This grip engages your triceps muscles more than a traditional grip, allowing you to lift heavier weights and target your triceps more effectively.

But the bulldog grip bench press isn't just about raw strength. It also requires a great deal of stability and control. With your hands closer together, the barbell will be more unstable, making it harder to maintain proper form. This means you'll need to engage your core and other stabilizer muscles to keep the bar steady as you lift.

So how do you perform a bulldog grip bench press? Start by lying flat on a bench with your feet planted firmly on the ground. Grab the barbell with a bulldog grip, keeping your hands about shoulder-width apart. Lower the bar down to your chest, keeping your elbows close to your body. Then, push the bar back up to the starting position, exhaling as you lift.

As you perform the bulldog grip bench press, focus on maintaining proper form and engaging your core and stabilizer muscles. Keep your back flat against the bench, and avoid arching or lifting your feet off the ground. If you're new to this exercise, start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as you build strength and stability.

One of the benefits of the bulldog grip bench press is that it can help you break through a plateau in your bench press. By targeting your triceps more effectively, you'll be able to lift heavier weights and stimulate new muscle growth. And because it requires more stability and control, it can also help improve your overall bench press form.

But like any exercise, the bulldog grip bench press comes with its own set of risks and considerations. Because your hands are closer together, there's a greater risk of wrist and elbow injuries if you're not careful. Make sure to warm up properly before attempting this exercise, and use proper form and technique throughout.

If you're looking to take your bench press to the next level, the bulldog grip bench press could be the answer you've been searching for. With its focus on triceps engagement and stability, this variation of the bench press can help you build strength, power, and muscle like never before.


When it comes to building upper body strength, bench press is one of the most popular exercises. And for those who are looking to take their bench press game to the next level, the bulldog grip bench press is an excellent option. This variation of bench press is not only challenging but also offers several benefits over the traditional bench press. In this article, we will discuss what bulldog grip bench press is and how to perform it correctly, along with its benefits and risks.

What is Bulldog Grip Bench Press?

The bulldog grip bench press is a variation of the traditional bench press, where the lifter takes a narrow grip on the bar with their elbows tucked into their sides. The name bulldog grip comes from the way the hands are positioned on the bar; it resembles the way a bulldog would hold onto something. The narrow grip and elbow position put more emphasis on the triceps and reduces the involvement of the chest muscles, making it an excellent exercise for triceps development.

Benefits of Bulldog Grip Bench Press

Increased Triceps Activation

One of the most significant benefits of the bulldog grip bench press is that it puts more emphasis on the triceps muscle. The narrow grip and elbow position reduce the involvement of the chest muscles, making the triceps work harder to lift the weight. This increased activation of the triceps muscle makes it an excellent exercise for building triceps strength and size.

Injury Prevention

The bulldog grip bench press can also help prevent injuries in the shoulder joint. By tucking the elbows close to the body, the stress on the shoulder joint is reduced, making it a safer exercise for those with shoulder issues. Also, because the bulldog grip bench press reduces the range of motion, it can be an ideal exercise for those recovering from a shoulder injury.

Improved Lockout Strength

The bulldog grip bench press is an excellent exercise for improving lockout strength. The triceps muscles play a crucial role in the lockout portion of the bench press. By focusing on the triceps with the bulldog grip bench press, lifters can strengthen this muscle group, which can help them improve their lockout strength and lift more weight.

How to Perform Bulldog Grip Bench Press

Step 1: Set up

Start by lying on the bench with your eyes under the bar. Place your feet flat on the ground and arch your back slightly. Grab the bar with a narrow grip, with your hands shoulder-width apart. Make sure your elbows are tucked close to your sides.

Step 2: Lift the Bar

Lift the bar off the rack and hold it over your chest with your arms fully extended. Take a deep breath and brace your core.

Step 3: Lower the Bar

Lower the bar down towards your chest while keeping your elbows close to your sides. Lower the bar until it touches your chest or comes close to it.

Step 4: Press the Bar

Press the bar back up to the starting position. Make sure to keep your elbows close to your sides throughout the movement. Exhale at the top of the lift and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Risks and Precautions

Shoulder Impingement

While the bulldog grip bench press can be an excellent exercise for building triceps strength, it can also put stress on the shoulder joint. Those with a history of shoulder impingement should avoid this exercise or perform it with caution. If you feel any pain or discomfort in your shoulders, stop immediately and seek medical attention.

Elbow Pain

The bulldog grip bench press can also put stress on the elbow joint. Those with a history of elbow pain or injury should perform this exercise with caution. It's essential to warm up properly before performing this exercise and use lighter weights until you build up strength and stability in your elbows.


The bulldog grip bench press is an excellent exercise for those looking to build triceps strength and improve lockout strength. It can also be a safer alternative to the traditional bench press for those with shoulder issues. However, as with any exercise, it's essential to perform it correctly and with caution to avoid injury. If you're new to the bulldog grip bench press, start with lighter weights and work your way up gradually. With proper form and consistency, you can take your bench press game to the next level with this challenging variation.

The Bulldog Grip: A Different Kind of Bench Press

If you're looking to switch up your bench press routine, consider trying the bulldog grip bench press. This variation involves a unique grip where your palms face each other, with your thumbs pointing towards your face. This grip is commonly used in strongman competitions and has been gaining popularity in powerlifting and bodybuilding circles. Not only does it offer a fresh challenge to your chest workout, but it also targets your triceps, shoulders, and forearms.

Building Strength with the Bulldog Grip

The bulldog grip bench press can help build overall upper body strength. By gripping the bar in this way, you engage your triceps and shoulders more than a traditional bench press. This increased activation leads to greater muscle development and improved overall strength. Additionally, the grip requires more forearm strength, which can lead to bigger biceps and a more powerful grip.

The Benefits of Using the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

The bulldog grip bench press offers several benefits over the traditional bench press. First, it allows for a greater range of motion, which means you can work your muscles through a fuller range of movement. Second, it reduces stress on your wrists, which can be beneficial for those with wrist pain or discomfort. Third, it places less strain on your shoulders, making it a safer exercise for those with shoulder injuries or mobility issues.

Mastering the Technique of the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

As with any exercise, proper technique is crucial to getting the most out of the bulldog grip bench press. Begin by placing your hands on the bar in the bulldog grip position, with your index finger just inside the knurling. Tighten your grip and lower the bar to your chest, keeping your elbows tucked in. Push the bar back up to the starting position, focusing on keeping your grip tight and your wrists straight. As with any exercise, it's important to start with a lighter weight and focus on mastering the technique before adding more weight.

Improving Your Grip Strength with the Bulldog Grip

The bulldog grip bench press is an excellent exercise for improving grip strength. The unique grip requires more forearm strength than a traditional bench press, which can help you develop a stronger grip. Additionally, by using heavier weights, you can continue to challenge your grip and build even greater strength.

Enhancing Your Chest Workout with the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

The bulldog grip bench press can be a valuable addition to your chest workout routine. By targeting your triceps and shoulders, it offers a fresh challenge to your chest muscles. Additionally, the increased range of motion can help you develop a more well-rounded chest. Try incorporating the bulldog grip bench press into your chest workout once a week and see how it affects your overall strength and muscle development.

Overcoming Plateaus with the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

If you've hit a plateau in your bench press, the bulldog grip bench press can help you break through it. By targeting different muscles than a traditional bench press, it can provide a new stimulus to your muscles, leading to greater gains in strength and size. Additionally, by challenging your grip strength, you can build overall upper body strength that can carry over into other exercises.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

As with any exercise, there are common mistakes that can be made when performing the bulldog grip bench press. One mistake is letting your elbows flare out, which puts unnecessary strain on your shoulders. Instead, keep your elbows tucked in towards your body. Another mistake is using too much weight too quickly. Start with a lighter weight and focus on mastering the technique before increasing the weight. Finally, be sure to maintain a tight grip throughout the exercise, keeping your wrists straight and your thumbs pointing towards your face.

Incorporating the Bulldog Grip into Your Training Program

The bulldog grip bench press can be incorporated into your training program in a variety of ways. You can use it as a main exercise in your chest workout, or as an accessory exercise to target your triceps and shoulders. Additionally, you can use it as a way to build grip strength, either by using heavier weights or performing multiple sets with lighter weights. Try experimenting with different variations and see how it affects your overall strength and muscle development.

Taking Your Bench Press to the Next Level with the Bulldog Grip

If you're looking to take your bench press to the next level, the bulldog grip bench press can be a valuable tool in your arsenal. By targeting different muscles and challenging your grip strength, it can help you break through plateaus and develop overall upper body strength. Additionally, the increased range of motion can help you develop a more well-rounded chest. Try incorporating the bulldog grip bench press into your training program and see how it affects your overall strength and muscle development.

The Bulldog Grip Bench Press: Pros and Cons

What is a Bulldog Grip Bench Press?

The bulldog grip bench press is a variation of the traditional bench press exercise. This exercise involves gripping the barbell with your palms facing each other instead of facing away from each other. The name 'bulldog' comes from the way the hands are positioned on the bar, which looks like a bulldog's face.

Pros of the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

There are several benefits of incorporating the bulldog grip bench press into your workout routine:

  1. Increased activation of chest muscles: The bulldog grip bench press places more emphasis on the chest muscles as compared to the traditional bench press. This is because the inward hand position forces your chest muscles to work harder to lift the weight.
  2. Reduced strain on shoulders: Many people find that the bulldog grip bench press reduces strain on their shoulders as compared to the traditional bench press. This is because the inward hand position allows for a more natural movement of the shoulders.
  3. Variation in workout: Incorporating the bulldog grip bench press provides a variation in your workout routine, which can help prevent boredom and keep you motivated.

Cons of the Bulldog Grip Bench Press

While there are several benefits of the bulldog grip bench press, there are also some drawbacks to consider:

  1. Less weight lifted: Due to the increased activation of chest muscles, you may not be able to lift as much weight with the bulldog grip bench press as compared to the traditional bench press.
  2. Less stability: The inward hand position can make the bar less stable, which may increase the risk of injury if proper form is not maintained.
  3. Not suitable for everyone: Some people may find that the bulldog grip bench press places too much strain on their wrists or elbows, and it may not be suitable for those with pre-existing injuries.

Table Information about Bulldog Grip Bench Press

Pros Cons
Increased activation of chest muscles Less weight lifted
Reduced strain on shoulders Less stability
Variation in workout Not suitable for everyone

Overall, the bulldog grip bench press can be a great addition to your workout routine if done correctly. It's important to start with lighter weights and focus on maintaining proper form to reduce the risk of injury.

The Bulldog Grip Bench Press: Unleash Your Strength

Are you looking to take your bench press to the next level? Look no further than the bulldog grip bench press. This variation of the classic exercise not only targets your chest, but also engages your triceps and shoulders for a full upper body workout.

So what exactly is the bulldog grip? Instead of wrapping your hands around the bar with your palms facing up, you grip the bar with your palms facing each other. This narrow grip increases the range of motion and places more emphasis on your triceps, allowing you to lift heavier weights and build more muscle.

But before you jump into the bulldog grip bench press, it's important to master proper form and technique. Start by warming up with a few sets of traditional bench presses to get your muscles warmed up and ready to go.

When you're ready to try the bulldog grip, position yourself on the bench with your feet flat on the floor and your back pressed firmly against the bench. Grip the bar with your palms facing each other and make sure your hands are shoulder-width apart.

Lower the bar slowly towards your chest, keeping your elbows tucked in close to your body. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the movement, then push the bar back up to the starting position. Repeat for several reps, focusing on maintaining proper form and breathing deeply throughout the exercise.

As with any new exercise, start with a lighter weight and gradually increase as you become more comfortable with the movement. It's also important to listen to your body and stop if you experience any pain or discomfort.

Incorporating the bulldog grip bench press into your regular workout routine can help you break through plateaus and achieve new levels of strength and muscle growth. So why not give it a try and see what you're capable of?

Remember, consistency is key when it comes to building strength and muscle. Make sure to include a variety of exercises in your routine and challenge yourself with heavier weights and more reps as you progress.

And always remember to listen to your body and take care of yourself. Proper nutrition, hydration, and recovery are essential for achieving your fitness goals and staying healthy.

So go ahead and unleash your strength with the bulldog grip bench press. Your muscles will thank you for it.

Thanks for reading and happy lifting!

Everything You Need to Know about Bulldog Grip Bench Press

What is Bulldog Grip Bench Press?

Bulldog Grip Bench Press is a variation of the traditional bench press where the lifter uses a bulldog grip, also known as false grip or thumbless grip. In this grip, the thumb wraps around the bar, placing the weight on the palms instead of the wrist and fingers.

How is it Different from Regular Bench Press?

Using a bulldog grip in bench press distributes the weight evenly and reduces stress on the wrists and forearms. It also allows the lifter to engage more muscle fibers in the chest, shoulders, and triceps, leading to more significant gains in strength and muscle mass.

Is Bulldog Grip Bench Press Safe?

While bulldog grip bench press can be beneficial for strength and muscle development, it is essential to use proper form and technique to avoid any potential injury. It is crucial to keep the elbows tucked in, maintain a tight grip on the bar, and lower the weight slowly and controlled.

What Are the Benefits of Bulldog Grip Bench Press?

The benefits of bulldog grip bench press include:

  • Reduced stress on the wrists and forearms
  • Increased engagement of chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles
  • More significant gains in strength and muscle mass
  • Variety in workout routine

What Are the Drawbacks of Bulldog Grip Bench Press?

The drawbacks of bulldog grip bench press include:

  • Higher risk of injury if proper form and technique are not used
  • Difficulty in controlling the weight due to a weaker grip
  • Not suitable for beginners or those with wrist, elbow, or shoulder injuries


Bulldog grip bench press is an effective variation of the traditional bench press that can help increase strength and muscle mass while reducing stress on the wrists and forearms. However, it is essential to use proper form and technique and gradually increase weight to avoid any potential injury.